SoLá Pelvic Therapy
A new approach to pain management
95% of patients achieve maximal pain relief after 9 visits over 5 weeks.
With SoLá Pelvic Therapy, you’re not masking the pain, you’re empowering your own body to break the pain cycle. Unlike traditional pelvic floor therapy in which your therapist uses their fingers to stretch your tender pelvic muscles, SoLá cold laser therapy uses safe, proven light energy to activate healing within your cells.
How It Works
Each treatment takes just a few minutes and maximum pain relief is typically achieved in less than 5 painless treatments
At the office:
The SoLá Pelvic Therapy wand applies healing light energy internally, directly to your pelvic muscles
You may feel a soothing warmth during the treatment
Many women will experience pain reduction during the treatment
The typical patient reaches maximum pain relief in just a few weeks. Most patients describe the treatments as soothing.
SoLá Pelvic Therapy, or cold laser therapy, is now supported by more data than any other single treatment for chronic pelvic pain.
Up to 85% of women with chronic pelvic pain share a common pain generator- pelvic muscle spasm.
SoLá Pelvic Therapy is a painless, rapid, and effective option for relieving this spasm and pain.
Photobiomodulation (PBM) can help relax tense muscles, increase oxygen delivery to painful tissue by stimulating blood flow, reduce the production of painful prostaglandin E2, and even reduce transmission of pain across C nerve fibers—a cascade of events that can provide significant relief to patients suffering with persistent or chronic pelvic pain.
Proven results include relaxed tender, spastic pelvic muscles, improved circulation to inflamed muscles, and reduced pelvic muscle pain.
What To Expect
Step 1
Schedule a Free Consult
Schedule a complimentary compatibility check with Dr. Krystyna Holland to learn more about the process. You will be asked to submit a screening questionnaire to determine if you are a candidate for SoLá Pelvic Therapy.
Step 2
55-minute Initial Evaluation Visit
Visit includes a thorough history overview and a physical exam, including a live action ultrasound, to assess for overactive or hypertonic pelvic floor muscles most likely to benefit from SoLá Pelvic Therapy. You will have the option to begin your treatment sessions at the evaluation or to schedule for a later date.
Step 3
SoLá Pelvic Therapy Sessions
Each SoLa therapy appointment will track your symptoms before the therapy is applied in order to clearly determine your response to treatment.
After 9 visits, we will perform a re-evaluation and assess for discharge.
$2500 for complete package, including:
Two (2) 55 minute assessment visits 1 initial eval, and 1 re-eval after 9 sessions (value: $450), PFM visualization using live action ultrasound.
Nine (9) laser treatments
Nine (9) 30 minute treatment visits: individualized behavior modifications, education, exercises with accountability tracking, hands on treatment (cups, massage, stretching) (value: $1050)
Typically, SoLá Pelvic Therapy is provided as a series of 6-9, 2-3 minute treatments over 3 to 4 weeks. Reduction in pain can be felt after just 1 to 3 treatments and is expected to lessen with each additional treatment. However, everyone is different.
You can hear more from patients themselves here.
Not only is SoLá Pelvic Therapy painless, but many women describe the treatments as warm and soothing.
SoLá Pelvic Therapy has an excellent safety profile with no reported serious adverse effects.
With SoLá Pelvic Therapy, most people return to normal activities immediately following therapy, or as advised by their provider.
The highest level of success can be achieved with 2-3 treatments each week over 3-4 weeks.
SoLá Pelvic Therapy is not covered by insurance. The complete package costs $2500.
If you have symptoms of chronic pelvic pain and a pelvic exam reveals tender pelvic muscles, you may benefit from SoLá Pelvic Therapy. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Krystyna Holland to learn more.
Pelvic floor physical therapy, which can include any combination of exercises for strengthening, stretching, or relaxation, identification of individual triggers for flares or irritation, manual hands on therapy, nervous system downtraining strategies, and education on common causes and remedies, is the currently recommended first line treatment for pelvic pain, due to its efficacy and safety profile.